Since 2020 POLIS Teatro Festival has been part of Kilowatt Festival’s L’italia dei Visionari network: a project that brings together multiple partners throughout Italy to involve citizens in choosing a number of performances from the emerging contemporary scene.

The Visionar* are spectators who commit to seeing the creations that the various companies send in response to the call for proposals of the national network L’Italia dei Visionari, people who live in the province of Ravenna, passionate about theatrical languages and dance, who, although they are not theater operators, can select among the many candidate performances the ones they would like to see in the theaters of their city.

In the last few years the project created a group of nearly 40 people from Ravenna.

ErosAntEros in 2025 opens a new public call to allow citizens of all ages passionate about theater to choose 2 productions to be included in the program of POLIS Teatro Festival 2025.

CALL for artists 2025