In-Box call 2024
ErosAntEros – POLIS Teatro Festival joins again the national network of theaters, festivals and institutions of In-Box, which selects and promotes some of the most interesting productive experiences of the Italian emerging scene.
But this year there is a new development: the In-Box project changes its structure and spreads its action over 24 months. The In-Box call and the In-Box Verde call will come out in alternate years, channeling the focus on drama and its contaminations (In-Box) and on youth theater (In-Box Verde) in a more intense and specific way on each of the two calls.
The In-Box 2024 call for proposals is online and the deadline is on November 23, 2023. The call offers 91 performances for 8 finalist plays. And among them there is a date at POLIS Theatre Festival 2025!
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