CALL Visionari* Ravenna 2023
The Visionari* project is back!
After the success of the last edition, ErosAntEros and Cantieri Danza decide to renew the collaboration and open a new public call to allow citizens of all ages passionate about theater and dance to choose some of the productions to be included in the program of the next editions of POLIS Teatro Festival and Ammutinamenti – Festival di danza urbana e d’autore.
What is L’Italia dei Visionari?
Every year a national call for proposals is opened for individual artists and emerging and independent companies that work professionally in contemporary theater, dance and performing art. In each of the cities of the partners participating in the project a group of active spectators is formed, citizens who are passionate about theater and dance, the Visionari*, in charge of examining the videos of the performances received to choose those to be included in the programming of each of the organizations/ theaters/ festivals involved (each group in complete autonomy from the other groups).
Who are the Visionari*?
A group of spectators who are committed to see the work that the various companies have sent in response to the call of the national network L’Italia dei Visionari. To join the group are not necessary particular skills, but curiosity and passion for theater and dance, as well as the willingness to meet between December 2022 and March 2023, for 4 collective meetings through which to choose the productions that will be included in the program of the festivals.
How do POLIS Teatro Festival and Ammutinamenti – Festival of Urban Dance and Art Dance participate?
The group of spectators will choose 2 theater performances to be programmed within POLIS Teatro Festival (May 2023) and 1 dance performance to be included in the program of Ammutinamenti Festival (September 2023).
How to participate?
To join the project, you have to fill out the registration form at this link by December 12th 2022:
For more info: / 320 9552632
First meeting to present the project: lunedì 12 dicembre dalle ore 20 presso la Casa del Volontariato (via Alfredo Oriani 44, Ravenna). The following meetings will take place monthly and will be announced on December 12th. The organization reserves the right to carry out part of the meetings in streaming in case of need.