On Monday, April 8th the tickets for POLIS Teatro Festival 2024 will be available!

For the performance Saint Joan of the Stockyards on April 24th
via Mariani 2, Ravenna
tel. +39 0544 249244 / tickets@teatroalighieri.org
open Monday through Saturday 10 am -1 pm, Thursday also 4-6 pm
online at www.teatroalighieri.org/events/santa-giovanna-dei-macelli
IAT Ravenna, Piazza San Francesco 7, tel. 0544 482838
IAT Teodorico, via delle Industrie 14, tel. 0544 451539
IAT Cervia, via Evangelisti 4, tel. 0544 974400

For all the performances in program between May 7th-12th
via di Roma 39, Ravenna
open Thursday afternoon from 4 to 6 pm (April 11th, April 18th, May 2nd)
starting from one hour before each performance in the venue of the performance
online at https://www.vivaticket.com/it/tour/polis-teatro-festival-2024/2996 (commission 10%)

Due to the reduced capacity of the itinerant performance, of Artificerie Almagià and of the Ridotto of Teatro Rasipre-sale purchase is recommended