Following the replicas of the selected perfomances in 2023, meeting with the artists and the group Visionar* of Ravenna.

Compagnia Lumen. Progetti, arti, teatro is a theatre company based in Milan. We’ve been working together since 2014 and we produced many performances by contemporary author as Dayshift and Taxi Light Vigil by Darren Donohue, Falafel Express and Samir by Roberto Scarpetti. Gabriele Genovese, actor and founder of the company, is also a story teller and he his the author of the trilogy of play the we named: Trilogia del Sud FantasticoBrevi giorni e lunghe notti. Storie di straccioni, di porci e di re, Sospiri. Un amore di contrabbando, Come la roccia, l’acqua, la neve are part of this Trilogy. The company received many awards for the productions and during 2018-2020 participated to the project Funder35 in order to became more structured. In 2022 Lumen organized his first Theatre Festival: Salta’ I foss.

Luisa Guarro, graduated in Philosophy, at University Federico II of Naples, is an author and director. She has won numerous awards and participated in various international productions, including: for the Ryazan Drama Theater she wrote and directed THE PROMETHEUS GIFT, an environmentalist reinterpretation of the ancient myth; for the opening of the 2019/2020 season, she directed the actors of the Wolfgang Borchert Theater in Münster in DER KÖNIG LACHT, a German version of her Il re ride; for the 2019/2020 season, she directed the actors of the Ryazan Drama Theater, in the play PINOCCHIO, PEREPLYT MORE, a Russian version of her HO ATTRAVERSATO IL MARE, inspired by The Adventures of Pinocchio by C. Collodi; for the opening of the 2021/2022 season, she directed the actors of Borchert Theater in Münster in DER SANDMANN, a German version of his The Sandman inspired by ETA Hoffman’s short story. In addition, for the Osservatorio Palestina foundation, she wrote and directed the performances, MI CHIAMO OMAR; KAN YA MA KAN Bedouin tales in the form of video gamesSEVEN MINUTESBREAD, A STORY OF LOVE IN TIME OF WAR, a secular revisitation of the meaning of the Eucharist.