Enemy (crossing the Balkans)
Ennemi (traverser les Balkans)
National premiere POLIS productionENEMY is a global artistic creation process on the relation to wars in Europe. After ending a first long-term work called BARBARE on the countries belonging to the European Union from 2019 to 2022, the artists Mélodie Lasselin and Simon Capelle deal with the other countries of Europe with the aim of creating a work on peace and question the notion of the enemy. This show wants to interrogate the notion of peace in relation with the current and past conflicts of Europe.
During the summer 2022, Mélodie Lasselin and Simon Capelle, in reaction to the war happening in Ukraine, decided to go to the Balkan countries in order to understand their post-conflict situation and the process of peace making. They met different people and organizations involved in the possibility of dialogue between communities and the construction of a common memory. Then they talked with militaries who participated in the direct aftermath of the war.
We propose an ongoing conversation between traces of the war and words of peace. The audience is immersed in an intimate relation with the performers where the small details of a human life are sacred.
conception Mélodie Lasselin & Simon Capelle
text Simon Capelle
coreography Mélodie Lasselin
performance Camille Dagen, Mélodie Lasselin & Léa Pérat
orginal music creation Restive Plaggona
set designer and costumes Emma Depoid
illustration Giulia Betti
set photography Martina Pozzan
production ZONE -poème-
co-production ErosAntEros – POLIS Teatro Festival
residency Le Gymnase – CDCN Roubaix
funded by European Union
duration 40’
performance in French with surtitles by Laura Boffetti, Lucia Bucci, Martina Carlani, Chiara Chiodi, Marialaura Corbo, Chloé Jupin, Maria Mazzella, Carolina Querzola, Giulia Alis Rambelli, Alessia Tordi under the supervision of Prof.ssa Chiara Elefante, Università di Bologna – Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione
ZONE -poème- is created in november 2016. This company offers multidisciplinary creations engaged in the contemporary world based on an exploration of territories. It is also a platform for experimentation, transmission, and research on the living arts. Oracle is the first piece of the company created in 2018 then revived in 2020 for the festival Le Grand Bain of the Gymnase, CDCN of Roubaix. BARBARE European Museum of Translation presents performances at the Vivat, at the Festival Latitudes Contemporaines, at the Oiseau-Mouche, as well as in-situ in the Hauts-de-France region. In 2022 the creation BARBARE (odyssées) is created at the Cabaret de curiosities of the phénix, National scene of Valenciennes.